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VET Partnership for Green and Smart Electricity in Buildings – VET4GSEB

Implemented by: Sofia Energy Centre (SEC) from Bulgaria

People in Focus from Albania

National Chamber of Crafts Albania from Albania

European Labour Institute – ELI from Bulgaria

Chamber of Installation Specialists – CISB from Bulgaria

TANIQ from Armenia

Energy Efficiency Centre Georgia (EECG) from Georgia

Sustainable Development and Environment Association (Sudeas) from Turkiye

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NUBIP) from Ukraine

Target area: Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Turkiye and Ukraine

Duration: January 2023 – December 2024

Main Objective:

The main objective of the VET4GSEB project, under the ERASMUS+ Programme, is to transfer the experience and good practices in the field of VET from Bulgaria and Turkey to other countries participating in the project such as Albania, Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine. It intends to provide the national VET providers with adapted solutions, training materials, case studies, tools and guidelines, which will allow them to update their training practices and programs in order to meet the skills needs of the labour market in the building and RES sector.

Expected results:

  • Improve the green, digital, soft and pedagogical skills of VET teachers and trainers through dedicated blended training. Raise their knowledge on new technical solutions for smart electrical installations and PV systems in buildings;
  • Increase the link between VET profiles and national strategies and priorities related to smart electricity and PV systems in buildings;
  • Integrate the teachers/trainers, VET learners and companies managers into the design of the training materials through the involvement of building and RES companies from all participating countries;
  • Foster cooperation across different regions of Europe through joint initiatives and creation of a network incl. networking platform;

Target Group:

  • VET Providers
  • Policymakers
  • VET Students
  • NGO represenatives
  • Companies
  • General Public

This project is supported by Erasmus + program, co-funded by European Union.


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