Third Partner Meeting in Tbilisi, Georgia

📌Tbilisi, Georgia🟢VET4GSEB consortium held its 3rd partner meeting in beautiful Tbilisi, Georgia on 28-29 September 2023.✅Achieved results and the upcoming activities were the focus of this meeting.▶”VET Partnership for Green and Smart Electricity in Buildings” continues to fulfil its objective to transfer experience and good practices in the field of vocational education and training. This […]

Final Evaluation Meeting on the GROW project

📌Podgorica, Montenegro 🎯The final evaluation meeting was held in Podgorica, Montenegro in the frame of the project “GROW”. 🥰All the partners shared the results achieved in the local context and gave some ideas on how to continue the good work on gamification in youth work. ▶️The mission isn’t over yet. A really great tool that […]

Third International Workshop on the Hikikomori – Beyond The Doorstep project

🎯The third international workshop was held on 26 – 27 September in the frame of the project “Beyond the Doorstep” focused on Hikikomori phenomenon and social isolation especially of young people.▶The participants from Albania, Turkiye, Italy and Bosnia and Herzegovina discussed on the causes that enhances this phenomenon and the society approach towards the individuals […]


We are happy to introduce to you our very first newsletter for the VET4GSEB project! Read through it and keep updated with the upcoming activities in our project VET4GSEB! Click below! This project is in collaboration with our partners from Bulgaria, Turkey, Ukraine, Armenia, and Georgia, and is co-financed by the Erasmus+ program.  #EUProjects #GreenEnergy #SustainableDevelopment #VET

International Academy for Citizen Journalism

Did you hear the latest news⁉️🤔🎯35 young people from Albania, Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Jordan, and Tunisia are currently increasing their capacities on media literacy to become future citizen journalists.😍The “International Academy of Citizens Journalism” is happening in Sofia, Bulgaria.We wish that all the participants benefit a lot from this opportunity and contribute to their […]

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