Implemented by: Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Culture and Education from Bulgaria

People in Focus from Albania

Entrepreneurship and Social Economy Group from Greece

Euro Sud from Italy

East & West Center For Sustainable Development from Jordan

Maat For Peace, Development And Human Rights from Egypt

L’Association Euro-mediterraneenne Des Echanges, Volontariats,

Evenements from Tunisia

Target area: Albania, Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Jordan, and Tunisia

Duration: February 2022 – January 2024


– To improve the knowledge and capacity of youth organisations to promote media literacy and digital skills among young people as a way for community engagement and active participation in the democratic life of their communities;

– To foster mutual cooperation and exchange of best practices in the field of youth work in combating fake news and disinformation;

– To support the qualitative development of youth work through the application of training materials for critical thinking, media literacy, digital skills, leadership skills, self-reflection, empowerment and engagement of young people and youth workers.

Planned Activities


  • Seminar of Youth Workers: a preparatoty activity as an initial training for youth workers
  • Training materials of Citizen Journalism: development of project’s OERs: online course, training toolkit and guide.
  • Piloting Training: capacity-building for the youth workers from Partner countries and follow-up local trainings in all project countries
  • International Academy and Competition
  • Multiplier Events: to raise awareness on the project topics (media literacy skills, combating fake news and disinformation, youth civil participation through new media technologies)


Target Group:

  • Young People
  • Youth Workers
  • Youth NGOs
  • Stakeholders

This project is supported by Erasmus + program, co-funded by European Union.

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