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Strengthening Democratic Citizenship Education in Albania

Implemented by: People in Focus

Target Schools: “Imelda Lambertini”, “Jeronim De Rada”, “Shushicë” in Elbasan and “Fuat Babani” in Bilisht

Duration: March 2022 – March 2023


  • Increase pupil’s capacities and skills on their role to promote values and defend human right
  • Encourage their creativeness to take part in activities to promote human rights and set examples for their peers and community
  • Raising awareness on values emphasizing the importance of each person in contributing for better situation

Expected results:

  • Strengthen pupils capacity building and information on promotion of values
  • Enhance awareness of 120 students per school on human right and the values that needs to be communicated
  • Elaborate violation of human right through 2 art performance per school
  • Encourage pupil’s participation on discussion to find solutions on their schools problems related to human rights bringing together with their parents and teachers through lunch talks
  • Promote solutions to defend human rights and create models to be follow in Hackathon event with participation of 30 students per school

Target Group:

  • Pupils
  • Teachers
  • Parents

This project is supported by the Council of Europe Office in Tirana and funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).


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