Better Administrative Court Services towards citizens of Shkodra

Implemented by: People in Focus

Target area: Shkodra

Overall objective:

Improve the performance of the Court administration on providing qualitative and effective services for citizens/users

Expected results:

  • Assessment of the current situation of administrative services and communication in Administrative court of first instance, The court of appeal and Judicial District Court of Shkodra.
  • Improve administrative services delivered by Shkodra Court as a result of greater knowledge, transparency and concrete recommendations delivered on the framework of the project.
  • Increased citizens’ awareness/knowledge about their rights in receiving qualitative Court services and Court accountability.

Target Groups:

  • Users of the court administration services
  • Vulnerable groups (people with disability, poor people, rural resident, women, youth etc.)
  • The Administrative staff of the courts

This project is implemented by People in Focus as part of the grant scheme of the project “The Civic Engagement for a Functional Judiciary System and Access to Justice in Albania”, financed by the European Union in Albania and implemented by Save the Children in Albania and QSHPLI – Qendra e Shërbimeve dhe Praktikave Ligjore të Integruara,

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