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Monitoring and recommendations for improvement of the administrative services to the citizens of the Tirana Administrative Court of First Instance

Implemented by: People in Focus

Target area: Tirana

Overall objective:

Improve the performance of the Court administration on providing qualitative services for citizens.

Expected results:

  • Analyse citizen’s perception about the quality of administrative services, corruption pressure and transparency.
  • Raise awareness about the need to improve court administrative services
  • Enhance the accountability of the court administration toward the citizens

Target Groups:

Users of the Administrative Court, citizens, professionals of the field of justice, Court administration.


This project is implemented by People in Focus in the frame of the project “Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in South East Europe – ACTION SEE” which is realised by Metamorphosis Foundation, Westminster Foundation for Democracy, CRTA – Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability, Citizens Association Why not?, Center for Democratic Transition, Open Data Kosovo (ODK) and Levizja Mjaft!.