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Youth Exchange in Bitola, supported by RYCO and co-financed by European Union

Young people from Albania, North Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia took part in the youth exchange in Bitola, North Macedonia.

They had the opportunity to get to know each other’s culture, tourism attractions, culinary and most importantly making friends from Western Balkans.

Focusing on tourism in their places, 36 young people developed bridges of communication to break prejudices and expand information on each other’s culture.

Also, they had the opportunity to visit Ohrid city and found similarities of history and architecture with their own homeland.

As for many of them was the first time to participate in an activity with young people from Western Balkan, it was reached to change perception and behavior towards their peers.

People in Focus and its partners are supported by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office – RYCO   within the 4th Open Call for Project Proposals co-financed by the European Union.


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